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Capture real consumer engagement that matters to your brand

We map the full spectrum of real consumer engagement online to enhance the effectiveness of social media communication.

The problem

Consumer engagement has been proved to enhance brand performance. Therefore, interactions such as 'likes,’ comments, shares, or clicks are used as essential measures to assess whether consumers were engaged or not. However, the vast (and still growing) majority of users do not engage through publicly visible interactions.
By relying solely on likes or shares, marketers are overlooking critical part of their target audiences’ interactions, assigning inaccurate meanings to consumers‘ engagement and can be misled by activity of non-human actors.
As a result, using platform metrics only can lead to biased decision-making and, eventually, ineffective advertising spend.

Our solution

We go beyond publicly visible social media metrics and trace how consumers really engage with brand content online. By mapping the fine details of consumer engagement over an extended period of time, we can distinguish different qualities of engagement, uncover meaningful interactions, and understand the contextuality of consumer actions.
Since our solution is not limited to tracing engagement on a single social media platform, we can cross the “walled gardens” of individual platforms and understand engagement across online spaces.
Using real engagement data, we can make the most accurate predictions of engagement based on your marketing goals and increase the effectiveness of your social media communication.

Our approach

We are convinced that the core value of the marketing industry remains in understanding of real people. That is why our approach departs from a thorough understanding of human behaviour and intentionality, while accuracy of data is our key priority.

Grounded in academia

We build on our academic research and combine the latest knowledge of consumer engagement with data science and technical expertise.

Real human engagement

We focus on what people do in their real life rather than what they say or disclose publicly.

Ethically sound solution

We collect data through our proprietary applications with participants’ explicit consent and in compliance with GDPR and other privacy regulations.

Advanced analytical methods

We use AI based on the purpose rather than popularity and combine it with other quantitative and qualitative methods of analysis.

Our tool

Our autonomous solution responds to the needs of the quickly transforming digital marketing industry and provides the forward-thinking marketers an ethical tool to better understand the full scope of consumers’ actions online and their underlying intentions.
By combining digital marketing analytics with market research, we deliver an authentic view on your target audience’s engagement. The advantage of this connection is that we capture natively digital data while adding the richness of a qualitative study. This allows us to understand the fine detail of engagement, context in which it occurs, course of actions or cross-platform navigations.
In a carefully selected and relevant panel of participants, we trace and record their engagement actions and transform it in a living diary of consumers’ experiences and interactions as they happen in real time and real life.
We employ an array of advanced analytical methods to analyze the large and rich data sets, co-analyze the results with platform data and devise the most accurate predictions of engagement that lead to designing of effective campaign architecture.
Our ultimate goal is to help brands and firms and firms enhance the effectiveness of their marketing communication by increasing relevance rather than exposure.
With respect to consumers’ privacy and while using AI where it makes sense.

Our references